Solar Loans
We have many lenders who can help you secure the financing that you need. Please give us a call and we will have one of our team members get you the best possible financing that fits your needs.
8 YEAR - 4.50%
10 YEAR - 4.99%
15 YEAR - 5.49%
Rates listed below reflect a 0.25% rate reduction for automatic payment from any bank account.
Loan Requirements
• Eligible Products: Solar, Battery Storage, HVAC, Windows, Doors, Roofing (must be combined with Solar)
• $10,000 minimum loan amount for the 12, 15 and 20 year terms. Maximum loan amount is $100,000.
• UCC-1 fixture lien filed for all loans. This fee is added to the loan amount (typically between $100-$300).
• All homeowners on Deed of Trust must be on loan application.
• Equifax for credit reporting. We use the highest score of the borrowers on title.
• Signed copy of contract that includes payment disbursement schedule.
• Minimum credit score requirement is 680.
• Income verification required on loans > $50,000 and/or credit scores < 700.
• Debt-to-Income ratio limits: 700+: < 50%, 660-699: < 45%, 630-659: <40%
• Second homes allowed; Rental properties allowed with a maximum loan amount of $50,000.
• Homes in a Trust allowed, but we need Certification of Trust.
• No prepayment penalties.
• One-time free re-amortization over life of loan. $150 fee for subsequent re-amortizations.
• Loan approvals good for minimum of 60 days. After 90 days, credit will have to be re-pulled.
• First payment due date can be up to 45 days from the loan date.